Radmila Matic
Novi Sad
Honorarac još uvek nije ocenjen
Oglasi Honorarca
O honorarcu
Nudim kratkoročnu ili dugoročnu saradnju kao poreski konsultant. Imam dugogodisnje iskustvo rada u oblasti poreza. Ukoliko vam je potrebno opredeljivanje
Pre 59 dana
I am organized, enjoy working with others, and have a willingness to learn rapidly. I have all the expertise necessary to address any challenge, as well as understanding how to work in a variety of settings. 
 Besides being a team player, I understand my work areas and know how to debate and crack various business transactions.
Korisnik od:
12. januar 2025.
Honorarac trenutno nema ocena.

Sva prava zadržana 2014-2025 HONORARCI D.O.O.